• Usually, an Organic Ferti1izer contains about 40-45 different types of Bacterias, ORPEX F06 contains 158 types of useful Bacteria
  • An Organic Fertilizer contains approximately 2 billion Bacteria in 10ml. ORPEX F06 has 8 billions Bacteria
  • Organic Matter and Humid-Fulvic Matter rates are at least twice higher than in a normal organic fertilizer
  • ORPEX F06 is All In One Fertilizer. No chemical fertilizers or vitamins, no mineral reinforcements needed when using ORPEX F06
  • It allows the rehabilitation of particularly depleted soils contaminated by chemicals, which have lost their strength and vitality
  • It offers the plant good resistance, solid growth and rapid development, thus allowing the early harvest
  • It increases the resistance of the plant to diseases
  • It reduces water stress. It regulates the pH of the soil
  • It does not pollute water, air or soil. It does not contain any other additives
  • It gives the cultivated product a 100% natural flavor, taste and aroma.